Friday, July 18, 2003

listenin to Evanescence's My imm0rtal ...been listenin t0 it f0r alm0st every night, s00thin and kinda...sad? :)
kinda quiet t0night ...the pe0ple are spendin the night at changi airp0rt..sh0uld i g0 d0wn ? sh0uld i j0in kenneth and glad ? 0r sh0uld i just stay and h0me...and relax... hmm...i'm still debatin with myself...

*turn 0ff winamp and 0n the radi0*
hmm...nice s0ng clay aikan ...(c0rrect spellin? haha...whatever) think sh0uld be him ...
had a erm..abit busy day jessie at atrium...asked her bout the cash advance...
have t0 g0 phot0c0py da receipts....ask mdm ch0ng everything...what a nice lady..haha
went t0 sent0sa c0unter ...ask her if its p0ssible t0 give mui an0ther inv0ice ..cuz erm..i l0st it..

mad: erm..i l0st the receipt...s0 is it possible t0 have an0ther 0ne? 0r just phot0copy the copy you ppl kept?
lady : *shakes her head* oh sorry, we dun have all the inv0ices with us
mad: huh...erm then u sh0uld have the inf0r right? can u just print out again? me fr0m ngee ann p0ly..
lady : oh we cant...cuz inv0ices fr0m the printer....c0mes with the serial number....any inv0ice c0mes have t0 pay ..
mad: huh~~ but but........cant u just called the 0ffice t0 see if its p0ssible? i mean since all the data are there......
lady: i'm really s0rry , we cant d0 anything b0ut it...
mad: oh....okie..thankz...

sms derick ...and he called me ...haha..nice t0 hear s0me0ne familiar...thankz..derick :)

asked the lady twice can be persistant..hahahahha...sh0uld be stubb0rn ba...mui klassmate " la0 g0ng" said me stubb0rn...buahahha
*still s0 happy* haha

maybe i irritates her t00 much...she wr0te a mem0 for me..ahaha...
maziah...thank you ;)

reached sch0ol at b0ut 6 pluz....li0nel called t0 ask mui what am i d0in...and remind me t0 watch channel 8...
realised the d00r was l0cked..damn....luckily this lecturer came 0ut...and in da end, he esc0rt me t0 andy's r00m...haha,he must b thinkin " this gal must be up t0 n0 g0od"

me just l0gged int0 irc...and every0ne start t0 b0mbard me with questi0ns..
"mad u neber j0in the guys arh..."
erm..nah..bery tired... haha

i think i'm da last pers0n t0 hand in da electi0n f0rm....hmm..n0 confidence but i just give mui best sh0t...


Thursday, July 17, 2003

havin meetin b0ut the party....huh..dun feel like g0in..wanna g0 runnin..haha
swam al0t t0day...vent all my anger ...frustrati0n...sadness...stress...feels real g00d after that..haha..but n0t en0ugh...still g0t many t0 let g0...
wearin this big big big grey sweater..kinda c0ol i think ..and listenin to li0nel's this runnin discman..whaha...c0ol and hippy.. :P
havent send in the electi0n thinkin..finally f0und a pic lia0...
o0ps g0tta g0..jj screamin ...

me l0okin f0r pics....0f myself...s0 that i can stick 0n this paper...ICT candidate registeration f0rm...
hmm can use ne0prints...die..cant find a single 0ne...

n0w listenin t0 lene marlin s0ng....kinda addicted t0 her ....haha
havent study f0r my amaths test....maybe i'll wake up early in da m0rnin t0 revise ...

receive many c0mments b0ut mui hair..
"mad u cut your hair ar~~"
ans: hair dr0pped...al0t...

"oh its you madelyne...cant recognise y0u~"
ans: 0h ...izzit..haha...

"mad why you cut your hair?"
ans: craziness mah...need s0me change...

"mad...u l0ok like a b0i ..t0t is who sia..."
ans: hehe...(fake smile)

me..l0ok like a boy..dun0 whether t0 feel sad 0r happy..haha..
guess i cant live with0ut my hairband lia0...
maybe g0 use th0se hair wax and have a femmine hairstyle ...:)

t0morr0w g0in swimmin..haha...4 h0urs 0f break..t00 g00d t0 be wasted..
miss mui hairband al0t, feel s0 insecure with0ut it...cuz its da 0nly thing that makes me feel like a girl mah~~
wtf......0f all t0pics t0 chat ab0ut....sigh
dun wana talk in the irc lia0.....
t0ld glad my stuff..but he's t00 happy t0 n0tice...
the s00n t0 be vice president...sigh....anyway c0ngrats t0 u wyn... :) great j0b


Wednesday, July 16, 2003

w0nderin if i sh0uld g0 for lecture....hmm..n0 n0 mad...g0 f0r lecture~~
be a g00d girl.....buahhaha...

felt a bit erm..sad
saw something that proves everything haha...
pluz his blog already said it all..
*mad u so sl0w arh !! *
okay lah~ whatever:P

feelin s0 sleepy..*yawn*
mayb just get a nap..first....

feel bery fat t0day...maybe its due t0 the dinner last night...
but that was fab~ haha...
hmm..g0in runnin later ..
f0rget t0 bring the 3d0 file...damn...have t0 g0 back h0me and get it...

t0day is the deadline f0r submitin the registerati0n f0rm ...
sh0uld i take part in the electi0n?
s0me pe0ple find it natural t0 d0 g0t n0 idea...
thinkin 0f j0inin an0ther cca...will that affects mui well being in ICt? g0t n0 idea...
wanna meet m0re new friends...find s0me cl0se friends....find m0re new faces 0f myself....
am i t0o much? g0t n0 idea.... i'm still s0 sleepy... class...

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

t0day havin farewell dinner f0r andy...
think g0nna miss him...

s0mething happens t0day that makes me erm...unhappy?
--aftern00n amaths lecture--
mad and her classmates walked int0 the r0om..saw lionel and ber sittin there already..
mad and her classmates then sat behind them...
then b0th 0f them m0ved t0 the fr0nt seats...
classmate1 : mad , i th0ught they are your friends..why they m0ved da m0ment we sit behind them?
mad: oh dun0 leh ... they are like that 0ne lah..
classmate 2: 0rh...but g0t attitude pr0blem
mad: i als0 have mah..just that you never kn0w 0nly..
classmate 1 : hehe..0kay lah..

spent da rest 0f the lecture feelin abit sad..
but by end 0f amaths tut0rial me feelin 0kay liao ...hahah..
g0in f0r dinner lah..ber said many pe0ple are g0in ...hmm..s0unds fun...
but me n0w very br0ke...*sob*
sigh..think i have t0 cut d0wn 0n f00d expenses...

hahahaa...ecid very fun...
already decided which gr0up i am in n0w..
pei see is with me...haha..she l0ok s0 seri0us ..d0in the w0rksheet..
mui classmate n0w naggin at me...
okay okay i stop writin ....haha...

Monday, July 14, 2003

havin meetin now...wah so serious so funny..
party comin soon excited...can dance..
me l0okin for an0ther wana meet m0re frens..
wana seek the true me..maybe.....haha..
considerin j0inin dance club...sh0uld i? 0r 0utward b0unds?
*seri0us face* hmm.....

elaine sent me da pics...finally hahha...
the s0 happenin pics....*winks*
kinda fun i admit....an0ther 0ne 0f my m0st enj0yable times in my life

*l00ks at da time*
aiy0 ....g0in t0 be six...hmm..wanna g0 runnin...
pe0ple wanna g0 hv...
think i g0 h0me and rest first ba...
very tired ..

s0...hehe think g0in s00n...