Thursday, July 06, 2006

A worthy celebration

3rd July 06, Monday
at the end of the day
Shui, Eric and i gave our resignation letters to the HR manager

it's more like me and shui's decision

we were so proud of ourselves that we thought we should celebrate!

she's really know


4th July 06, Tuesday
By now, the news has spread to Malaysia. It create a sort of hooha now. And i'm not sure why. But when it comes to a team of 4 people, 3 quits at the same time. Something's definitely wrong man......sigh. Application to resign : Rejected

5th July 06, Wednesday
Horoscope reading :

Being part of a winning team can be confusing -- your exact role within the group isn't clear right now, and this may cause you to be distant from other people. But you should remember that what you bring to the table is special. You're more than just a cog in the wheel, doing the bidding of those who hold all the power. Your input counts, too, and you can make a difference. So make your voice heard. Your reputation is ready for an upgrade.

well, this says it all