Thursday, November 27, 2003

yoz..miss me?
*hugz lappy* miss u l0ts...

cant wait t0 get my unif0rm t0m0rr0w..hehe
g0nna be a busy day t0m0rr0w t00.....hmm think i betta packed my dinner t0 w0rk

t0 ken : happy belated birthday :) and no...u are still bery hands0me
t0 liat : yes...i'm still alive..hehe.. *grins*

had al0tsa fun at the camp
realised there's are many p0tential pe0ple here...hehe...
n i l0ve my team~~
da w0rmies ~
*ahem* let me intr0duce u da w0rmies...
chewLin - crap w0rm
me-mad w0rm
j0hn - cl0wn w0rm
kengBo0n- lazy w0rm
Beng- KS w0rm...aka Ki0 saI w0rm
hillary- 0ur queen w0rmie...
Adeline - Baby w0rmie~ (she's s0 cute...*winks*)

*applause applause*

---1st day---
kinda b0ring...
this big and hairy man turns out t0 be our instruct0r...
spent half 0f the aftern00n talkin...
da 0nly thing that keeps me awake was the jungle survival less0n......
l0ve the night walk...
but we were t00 busy c0ncentratin on da r0ute...c0uld hardly enj0y da walk

--2nd day--
beri and i w0ke up late..despite da fact chewLin kept 0n bangin 0n our d00r t0 call us
runnin at the beach in da m0rnin feels s0 great....makes u feel that life is w0nderful...f0r that m0ment...
had tut0rial 0n 0rienteerin....s0 c00l
den had our trekkin exercise in da jungle...
and i alm0st l0st my sh0e twice in da mud....0r mud p0ol...
buildin our raft in the mud couldnt be better...
just dun get mud splash in ur face.....luv da 0stacles race....but stoopid m0nkey bar....
pluz beng really "Kio" al0t 0f sai.... buahahhaha
laughed 0ur heads 0ff at erm.......l0tsa things..
glad that mR brend0n and Siva arranged these ice breakers games with us
all 0f us get al0ng better after that..haha
tried t0 get s0me sleep in da night...while the 0thers had da gh0st st0ry tellin sessi0n...while i g0t kicked by hillary few times ........hahhaa

--3rd day--
cant get t0 see a nice sunrise....but da sky was t00 cl0udy... but still.........*grins* its was great...hehe
finally able t0 get s0me around 7 pluz in da m0rnin....
mr bred0n had t0 bang da d00r t0 get us up.............-_-"
yah00..time t0 pack my bag..
g0nna miss this place...
went sh0ppin at Giant....b0ught s0me f00d back f0r my f0lks..
went t0 c0ffee bean and c0ntinued 0ur games...
crazy us...:p

n0w....its back t0 bed.................................
take care peepz...