Saturday, July 23, 2005

Can you turn my black roses red?

i've got many friends
but no one to confide in
maybe it's just me, unable to trust no one
i can't find the sense of security in anyone yet
get what i'm trying to say?
the assuring feeling that lets me know that there's someone for me no matter what
oh well whatever...
i'm best friends with myself.
thats the most important thing

Just look how a relationship broke my heart
took away the existing friendship
turned me into such an ugly character

i saw a reflection today
a reflection of myself in the past
it feels sort of weird

have i grown up?
i dont really think so

someone's been an irritating pest to me
he's weird
he's mentally unsound ( thats what i think)
cause he's entered into my blocked msn list

time to change a new layout !

oh ya another thing
what do you get if you add PONY and YANDA together?

sounds like a public holiday

sounds like a local food delicacy or unknown china brand

i prefer PONDA !

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Joke of the day

last man standing... says:
eh tell him andrew ur brother...... c how he react
Madelyne | Gone for a Fling says:
Madelyne | Gone for a Fling says:
he dun believe de lah
Madelyne | Gone for a Fling says:
hw can i have such an ugly brother !

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Tomorrow is wednesday

ever since i put up my msn nick : Madelyne Gone for a fling

many friends came asking me

"really ar? who's the fling"

" !!!! you had a fling with who? SPEAK!"

" Wanna die ar..fling with who?

" Don't be MAD lah.. "'

i just need someone to let me punch kick and pinch whenever i feel frustrated

i'm kidding

at most i punch

but i love this

Dim IHateAndrewTan As String = File.PostedFile.FileName.GetPath

went for a interview yesterday
My mom said ( with a lame face) " you sure you wanna work there mah?
" earn some money first lah

alot of people are adding me to their msn list
I duno even know who are those people
after i added the person to my list, THEY DIDNT EVEN REPLY when i asked for their identity
stupid people..
so now, i shall REJECT REJECT REJECT
i miss icq
why people aint using ICQ anymore????????

*reminicising the ICQ good times*
i spent many nights talkin to my ex best friend using ICQ
u can refer to the history !
so wonderful isnt it?

i feel like getting a rabbit
and i shall call him Mr. P
he can sleep in my room

that is..
if the mighty queen of the house AKA my mom

xiang gong is going away on 20th
Hang Loon is going away on 20th

Monday, July 18, 2005

I thought

i can look forward to see something

at the end of this month



remind me not to get so eager next time